A day in the life of a person from France, German, Japan, Britain, United States, and Turkey

How do people spend their time?

MARGARET THATCHER, a former British prime minister, reportedly got by on just four hours’ sleep a night. Such deprivation would trouble many people, and certainly the French, who sleep for nearly nine hours on average, according to a report by the OECD. True to stereotype, the French also spend the most time eating and drinking of OECD members—indeed, they eat for almost twice as long as the Americans. The Japanese appear to have a tough time of it, working by far the longest hours. However, they also devote less time to unpaid work such as household chores and childcare, activities that account for around one third of the OECD’s GDP.

From The Economist.

One thought on “A day in the life of a person from France, German, Japan, Britain, United States, and Turkey”

  1. This graph has interesting data but the breadth of the sample group seems to really dilute the data. Including teens and elderly it seems like the habits would vary greatly from that of the average working adult. like post college to 55 seems like you would have a slightly more valuable data set. or at least more distinguishable.

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